It would be a mistake to not give credit to some of the great examples of commitment in my life.
It’s hard to write just one post on both sets of my grandparents. My paternal grandparents, Clyde and Juanita Clark were married in November of 1946. We called them Mamaw and Papaw.
Papaw was the oldest of 8 siblings and Mamaw was second oldest of 7. Together they had 5 children of their own.
I have some very fond memories of Mamaw and Papaw. They were a very good example of a husband and wife partnership in marriage.
Papaw was a Baptist Preacher. He pastored a few churches in Texas before moving his family of 7 to Ayre, Massachusetts as a Missionary. Their family built the building that the church met in.
Papaw was a very good electrician and carpenter. He loved to make whirly gigs, windmills, and other yard decorations by hand. I remember watching him work in his shop and looking at all the wonderful things he would make.
Mamaw was a great seamstress and artist. She won awards in quilting shows. All her quilts were quilted by hand.
The wonderful thing about their relationship was how they worked together and were interested in each other’s hobbies.
When Mamaw painted, Papaw built frames for her paintings.
One year Papaw built all their granddaughters doll cradles for Christmas. Mamaw crocheted blankets to go in the cradles. That same year for the grandsons he built wooden chairs shaped like animals. Mamaw painted them.
They worked in their garden together.
When they moved into an apartment, Papaw couldn’t bring his tools with him. Mamaw taught him how to crochet and quilt. I remember how proud he was to show us the blanket he made.
If there was a problem anywhere else they seemed to always be in agreement with each other. I don’t remember ever seeing Mamaw and Papaw fight.
Papaw passed away in 2008. They were committed to each other throughout their 63 years of marriage. One day they will be reunited as fellow saints singing praises together in heaven. I wonder if God has a harmonica for my Papaw. If there are crowns up there surely they could make a harmonica. 🙂
How about you? Do you have any ancestors that modeled commitment and partnership in marriage? What do you think it was that made their marriage so strong back then? As always please share in the comments.
This was Day 2 in my 31 Days Building Commitment series. Tomorrow, I will share my memories of my maternal grandparents’ marriage commitment.
Beautiful. Good Kick off of 31!
Thank you, Laura! It’s going to be interesting to see where all this leads. 🙂
There was a time when divorce rarely occurred: society’s mores were strongly influenced by Christianity. Regarding God’s word as authority has kept my marriage and caused it to strengthen over the years. It’s the sole authority for everything we do and it’s proved itself in the marriages of all four of my children. I’m proud to have come from such a Godly heritage.
Your Papaw must have been some guy. Not many men would agree to join their wives in crocheting! I love the harmonica. I’ll listen for him when I get there.
Shelley, I am so glad to hear of your family’s Godly heritage. It is so important. My siblings and I have been committed and faithful to our spouses as well. I am praying for my children will one day find lifelong partners in their marriages as well.
My Papaw was a great guy. You would love to hear him play. He could also play an autoharp. But I will never forget how beautifully he played his harmonicas. 🙂
Hey Stac, There is a mistake in the paragraph starting with “Papaw was a baptist preacher.”
Hmm… I guess I kind of repeated myself there, didn’t I? Was that the mistake you are talking about? I’ll fix that real quick. Thanks, Jas!
My parents were very committed in their marriage and especially in their love for God! They were so committed in taking their children to church and being sure we knew how to be saved, praying for us to be .committed to serve God as we grew older and how to live an upright and honest life. My Dad was so helpful with my Mother as her health began to deteriate before her death. My mother was sitting at her sewing machine working on pajamas for my three daughters for Christmas when she got so sick and went to the hospital; never came home, passed away in three days at the age of 67.. Charlcye Taylor
What happened with the pajamas?
Now, Dad! LOL Only you and maybe Jason would wonder about the pajamas after that beautiful story. 😉
That is a beautiful memory, Mema! Thanks for telling us about it. I love you! 🙂
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