I had to sing the title as I typed it. Well, at least that last part.
2013 was a wonderful year. I met and exceeded many of my goals. I wrote a book, attended a writer’s conference and ended the year with a clean kitchen.
Those who were following me at the beginning of last year might remember my word for 2013 was “determined”. I was determined all the way to the end to finish the year out strong.
Here are a few blog posts of note in 2013:
Why I Started the New Year with 1000 Kicks (We’re doing this again this year.)
How to Baby Proof a Kitchen in 8 “Easy” Steps I need to do another post like this with Elisabeth as a toddler. We have not put a baby gate up at all to our kitchen this year.
Finding Beauty in Imperfections
These are just a few to show what we have been up to during the year.
I also wrote a book “Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment” which you can download for free here. You can also read the blog posts I wrote to go along with my book. I plan to finish the 31 Day Building Commitment series and write a more in depth book from that theme.
December was a very busy month. Our children were sick the week before Christmas. I caught it the day before my birthday.
I shared this on Facebook about my Birthday.
“Thank you, everyone, for the Birthday greetings! I had a wonderful day.
My younger children gave me one roller blade and a floaty. Now I can skate on one foot in a swimming pool without drowning.
My oldest son gave me a beautiful necklace. And my husband took me out for dinner and bought me a Keurig.
When we came home we had birthday cake made by my kids, ice cream, and coffee made in my new Keurig.
I couldn’t have asked for a better day! —
feeling loved with Scott Maness“
I had quite a few comments asking, “What’s up with the one roller blade and the floaty?”
I promised to write a post about that and then immediately the busy-ness of the season set in and I never stopped to post the rest of the month. So I will now give you that explanation.
My children have sweet, caring hearts even if at times they are a bit misguided in their efforts. They believe that a Birthday is not complete without a gift being given some time during the day.
My younger children felt bad that I didn’t already have a gift so they ran to their rooms and grabbed probably the first two things they found on their floors as a present to me. It just so happened that those two gifts were a roller blade and a deflated floaty which they wrapped in a baby blanket.
They brought it to me and when I opened it I smiled and with all the excitement only a mother can give for such a gift, I exclaimed, “Wow! Now I can skate on one foot in a swimming pool and not drown!” I gave them all hugs and thanked them for the gift.
My 15 year old son later in the day gave me a necklace he had bought a month earlier. I was very impressed by his having thought to get me a gift that far in advance. It was very sweet and a sign of his growing up.
My husband took me out to eat and we shopped for Christmas presents and bought a Keurig for my birthday. I have only been drinking coffee off and on for about a year and a half now. Two years ago I would have never dreamed I would want a Coffee Maker for my birthday. It’s amazing how much we grow and change in just a few years.
We spent Christmas with my family and enjoyed seeing my sister and her family as well.
Did you have a good 2013? Are you as excited as I am about the things to come in 2014? What type of posts do you like to see on my blog? Is there anything you would like to see more of? Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments or if you follow my blog by email just hit reply if you would like to talk with me privately.
It took me long enough to get this post written. I have quite a few goals for this year. My word for the year is “organize” and I’ll be sharing more about that soon. I will also tell you about the goals I have for this year. I’m looking forward to a lot of great things to come.
Have a very blessed and productive New Year!!!
~♥~ Anastacia ~♥~