This week in my creative writing classes I featured a couple of stories shared with my class by a dear friend of mine, Laura McCoy.
Laura and I met through an online writing community called Tribe Writers. She enjoys writing Science Fiction pieces. I wanted to cover different forms of writing with my students so I asked Laura if she would help me out by providing a couple of stories for the kids.
The children loved her stories which sparked their imagination and creativity.
One of the interesting aspects of writing Science Fiction is that a writer needs to have an understanding of science to make the story believable.
To help my students understand a little more about the Science behind the stories I read to them, I showed them some videos from the Canadian Space Agency. The videos were taken on their Space Station where they show students how different things work in space.
They show how they prepare food, eat, exercise, cry, and sleep in space. Those are just a few of the short videos we watched.
The older class did a writing exercise. I set a timer and we each wrote for about 2 minutes. When the timer went off we passed our papers to the person next to us, who then adds another couple of minutes worth of writing to it. By the end we each got the paper back we had started.
Here is the page I got back. There were 3 of us in the older class that contributed to this story. I’ll put “…” where one person’s writing stops and another started.
The space cadet floats into the room. He can’t decide if he is hungry or tired. His stomach doesn’t quite feel right. He decides to start with some food.
He…gets some space food and decides to start getting ready to eat and as he puts it in his mouth someone bumps into him and the food starts floating. He grabs it up and starts eating it up and he tries to keep a positive attitude and when he was done eating…
He floated over to the other space cadet and asked him why he bumped him so rudely. The space cadet told him that he was sorry and it really was an accident. So they forgave each other. And it was just in time too, because just then, they rose above the earth. One of the space cadets ran to go get his camera. The space cadet that stayed shook his head.
“That crazy kid!” he said. “He won’t stop taking pictures!”
I thought we did pretty well for not having brainstormed much before beginning.
I had my younger class draw pictures of what they imagined it would be like to go to outer space. One student drew a rocket ship. My daughter drew the outer space basketball game played on Mars. And my 3 yr old son visited our class and drew his idea of outer space.
Laura’s stories were fun and educational. She provided some discussion questions at the end. My younger class determined that they wouldn’t want to live in Space but they might like to visit some day.
Two of Laura’s favorite classic Science Fiction authors are Robert Heinlein and Frank Herbert.
Do you like Science Fiction? What are some of your favorite Science Fiction stories or authors?
Please leave a comment and let Laura know what types of Science Fiction you like.
Laura is currently working on writing Science Fiction pieces. You can find out more about Laura and her German Shepherd Edel at You can also follow Laura on Twitter @lmccy. If you follow her let her know you found her through my blog.
Thank you Anastacia.. Love the art and prose. I am delighted to have you share the lvoe of Science fiction.
Thank you, Laura, for helping me with my class. 🙂
How fun, I loved it.
Thanks, Pamela!
What an amazing gift you have given the kids! A way to express themselves! I’m a huge fan of this kind of learning. Nice job ladies!
Thanks, Renee!
Such a fun lesson! I haven’t read a lot of science fiction, but I love CS Lewis’ “Out of the Silent Planet” series, pure genius.
That sounds like a good book, Kathleen. I’ll put that on my To Read list.