I sputtered trying to grab the edge of the pool but it was too slippery. My head went under. I splashed and reached for the concrete that I should have been able to hold onto. I never thought that concrete could be so slippery when wet.
“Help!” I whimpered as the water covers my head one last time.
I was 8 or 9 years old when I jumped off the diving board into my dad’s outstretched arms. He set me safely on the side of the pool.
“Don’t get back into the water,” my dad warned. “Walk over to the shallow end with your mother.”
I looked and saw my mother waiting with my sister all the way on the other end of the pool.
It is much warmer in the water.
I disobeyed my father.
All these thoughts flash through my young mind as I sputter my final cry for help.
Cry for help? It sounds more like a whisper to my ears. Why can’t I project louder when I really need someone to hear me?
But someone did hear me. Strong hands lifted me up and set me back on the side of the pool. I was rescued. I was saved.
Grateful for the second chance at obedience, I walked to the other side of the pool.
This wasn’t my last time to mess up. However I learned to be quick to repent and ask for help when I need it.
This story parallels another time I was rescued. I was 7 years old when I first began to realize I made mistakes. I was not perfect.
I knew what sin was. I knew I should repent. Repent of what? That was my problem at 7. I didn’t know what I was repenting of.
How can you ask someone to help you if you don’t realize you need help?
I was 10 years old when I finally figured out that I couldn’t figuratively swim by myself. I was miserable from guilt of the sins only I knew about. I remembered every lie. I remembered every time I stole. I remembered every time I fought with my siblings.
These things weighed on me and I was miserable. I wanted to get out from under the pressure of guilt.
At church camp I cried out for help. Finally I admitted I couldn’t take care of this problem myself. I gave my life to Christ and He immediately rescued me from the deadly waters surrounding me.
That burden of guilt has been lifted off me. I am forgiven.
I am free. No longer drowning in a sea of guilt and shame.
Many times people hear that word “free” and think it means, “Oh, I’m okay now I can just do whatever I want.”
No. It means I am free to do what God wants me to do. It was His grace that gave me this new life. I now want to obey the rules He gave me in the Bible.
Yes. I still mess up. I will always make mistakes.
My dad still loved me even after I disobeyed and could have drowned. In the same way God still loves me even when I mess up.
Just like my dad wanted me to obey after I was rescued, my Heavenly Father wants me to obey now that He has rescued me.
No more getting back in the water to drown. Now I am walking the good path that God has laid out for me to walk.
Do you remember a time that you disobeyed? Did you learn a lesson from the experience? You can either share them in the comments below or reply by email. I would love to hear your stories.
The school year is almost over and the rest of the year will be pretty jam packed with activities. However I am making it my goal to get back on track with my writing and take you along on our journey. Thanks for not giving up on me. 🙂
~♥~ Anastacia ~♥~
Great post! There are more examples of my disobedience than you have time to read! Fortunately, as we grow older and closer to the Lord, those times of disobedience become few and far between.
Ah, yes. I know what you mean, Kathleen. It’s great that the Lord has patience with us when we wonder from His will. As we get older it’s like we realize we need to hold His hand everyday to keep from falling. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Anastacia Maness recently posted…Drowning
Well said.
Thank you, Laura!
Anastacia Maness recently posted…Drowning
It makes my heart soar to see what a beautiful, talented woman you have become. May the plans of His heart allow you to see your children have these same memories and thoughts. Psalm 33:11
Another sinner saved by grace, Aunt Jean
Thank you, Aunt Jean! The time I got back into the pool actually happened on that trip we all took together to California. So many years ago but I still cherish so many memories from that trip. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂
Anastacia Maness recently posted…Drowning