Jonathan is One Month Old!

I can’t believe I let 2 months go by without writing. Jonathan is finally here! He was born 11/4 and weighed 11 lbs. 4 oz. and was 21″ long. He is sweet and big. I was able to have him naturally and amazingly without epidural. I don’t know if I would have actually been quite as brave if I had known he was going to be that big. But I had my husband there as well as my mom and sister-in-law. It made the long labor go by a little quicker with the conversation going on in the room. I know everyone had to been incredibly tired that night staying up with me, while I was going through labor.

I actually had small contractions pretty much all day Saturday. I didn’t check in to the hospital until about 4 p.m. I was only 4 cm. dialated at that point so they told the Doctor on call and he said for me to walk around the hospital. I don’t know how many women do that but I felt I had to been a terrible sight walking around the hospital in a couple of hospital gowns. I wasn’t real crazy about it but it gave my husband something to tease me about while he escorted me. I had a good visit with my mom on the phone while I was walking around. Then I was tired and went back to the exam room and was told I was now dialated to 5 cm. So I guess walking accomplished something but I had a ways to go before I was completely dialated to 10 cm.

It was about 9 p.m. that I decided to let the doctor go ahead and break my water. He said that it would be the exact same as if I waited for my water to break on its own. The main advantage for his breaking the water is we would be sure whether their was any meconium in the water. The only real difference was that I would be having stronger labor pains sooner. He was going to leave it up to me. He was actually my doctor with my first born so I knew he was well experienced. He told me that our case was unusual for today’s practice. He said that most women do not go past their due dates. Most want to be induced or go through c-section instead of waiting. He said that it was very rare for a woman to choose to have their babies naturally without inuction and without epidural. He even gave me the option as to whether I wanted to be on IV or not to stay hydrated. Since I was not allowed to drink water but just eat ice chips I decided to have the IV keep me hydrated for the baby’s sake.

I’m not sure if I would have had an easier labor if I had just gone ahead and waited to let my water break on its own. It took about 9 hours of active labor to finally have him. I was glad when the nurse finally called the Doctor. I’m not sure which part was the hardest the nurse putting on the blue gloves to check me for dialation during a contraction or knowing that the baby could be out in just one or two more good pushes and the nurses all say “Don’t push! The Doctor’s not here yet! Breath!” I mean the baby is right there! But I am told not to push! I was begging the doctor to come soon. The Doctor finally made it and a few good pushes Jonathan was finally born.

All I could say after the relief of him being out was, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I was so happy he was out! I was thanking everyone and God for helping get this baby out of me. When they told me his weight, all I could say was “No way!” I didn’t believe I had just delivered an 11 lb. baby! I knew he was big but I never would have guessed that big. I thought the most would be 10 lbs.

Well, that is pretty much the main story! Now he is one month old. He will be having a Doctor’s appointment tomorrow. At his two week visit he had already gained his birthweight back and was 11 lb. 11 oz. and 24″ long. So he’s growing strong. He lost his umbilical cord after about 12 days.

He is a sweet baby! He can sleep about 4 hours at night now. The only problem I have is when he wakes up for his feeding getting him back to bed before falling asleep myself. I don’t get the most sound sleep when I’m holding him, but I’ll be so tired that I’m almost afraid to lay him down for fear he’ll wake back up! Ahh… I’m looking forward to a good nights sleep!


About Anastacia Maness

Anastacia Maness is a preacher's wife, homeschooling mother of 6 blessings, and writer. When she's not busy counting her blessings she's writing about them right here on her blog, encouraging and strengthening families.

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