Co-op was canceled this week. I get an extra week to make my lessons even better. So instead of highlighting a fellow writer today, I decided to share a few pictures and tell about some of what we’ve been doing.
This past month, I’ve been making sure my children have ample opportunity to just be children. One of their favorite places to play is over at the nearby ranch where our oldest son works as an apprentice.
The day after Hannah’s birthday we all went over to visit the animals. Of course they had high hopes of getting to ride a horse too.
But while they waited to ride a horse their imaginations took over.

Joshua has been learning a lot while working as an apprentice. He was proud to be able to show us how to put a saddle on a horse.
I love to see my children growing and learning.
They need these opportunities to be free to learn on their own and in their own way within the eyesight of a loving parent that won’t let them get hurt.
Ah, yes! I can learn something from my children.
Maybe I could use to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Let my hair down. Enjoy freedom under the steady watch of my loving Heavenly Father who is always with me. He’s always within reach. Any time I fall down God’s right there to lift me up and dust me off.
What do you plan to do to enjoy life today? I’d love to hear your ideas.
I may just forget chores this afternoon and go play outside barefoot with my kids. The dishes will still be here when I get back.
You did highlight a writer. You highlighted a writer that takes my mind with her as she writes and reminds me of a simpler way. I feel like I am reading the simple things of Little House on the Prarie. I mean this with such admiration and appreciate the gentleness of your writing. Blessings dear friend.
Ah! Thank you so much, Felicia! That is such a sweet compliment.
Hmm, I think I may grab a book and sit in the rocking chair on the front porch. That sounds nice. My health issues have been particularly difficult lately so anything positive will help. Awesome article. Have a blessed day!
That sounds like an excellent way to relax. I love a good book! And to be able to read outdoors would be even nicer yet. Hope you get to feeling better!
I agree with Felicia, really enjoyed this peek.
Thank you, Christa!
Thanks for sharing your day with us. Watching our children is more rewarding than we realize. Each growing in their own direction under the parent’s loving care. Freedom to learn should be part of every child’s education.
Thanks, Shelley! I definitely agree.
How fun! What a beautiful day to be on a farm. I love the photos.
Thanks, Kathleen!
Thank you Anastacia! I remember how I loved to stop doing chores and instead stay present with the children and their enjoyment of life! It made me love life too. It certainly is a blessing to live with our children and appreciating it is the way to say thank you to the One who supports us.
Thanks, Lotta! I’m glad you stopped to enjoy life with your children as well.
Beautiful photos! Even more beautiful sentiment! There is nothing better than growing, living, and learning about life in a natural environment!
I would love to walk in the rain today. But it is not raining. It’s pouring!
Enjoy your day and your family Anastacia! I love your zest of Life!
Blessings to all of you!
Thank you, Katina! I hope you get a little sunshine to enjoy the great outdoors soon.
I love to watch my kids (or anybody’s kids) explore and learn on their own. What a nice comparison you made, that our Father loves to watch us grow and learn as well. It looks like you had a great day.
Thanks, Janelle! We did have a great day. 🙂