I have a lot going on this month. Did I mention that I joined a 31 day challenge to write 500 words everyday? And today it was suggested that those of us doing the challenge try writing freestyle. That is no editing or correcting. I thought of how I used to do Five Minute Friday just for fun and decided I would go to Lisa Jo Baker’s site and give her Five Minute Friday a try. Since it is Friday and all.
The rules to Five Minute Friday is no over thinking and no editing. Today’s word is “Fight”.

Jonathan, Hannah, and Elijah dressed in their Christian Armor during our Vacation Bible School in 2013.
Set the timer and GO!
Fight. When you can think of anything else to do.
Fight. When the battle seems too hard.
Fight When you know you need to work on a task.
Fight. When you can’t see the end.
Fight. When you know you are right.
Fight. When you want to be heard.
Fight. When you can’t see the end.
Fight. When you can’t think of anything else to write about. Fight. This isn’t working for me.
What am I doing. I feel like I’m wasting time trying to think of something to say about Fight. Hmmm…
So I’m aimlessly typing to see how many words I can type in 5 minutes. I don’t think I’m doing to well.
I need to just forget Five Minute Friday and just write something that I was thinking about today. Like Childhood memories. That would be interesting.
I can’t think of anything fight related right now. I reckon I might could think of something if I really tried but we are suppose to be writing this without over thinking it or editing it. So I may not post this anyway..
I will not fight the words that are coming out of my finger tips right now. I will not fight the urge to just type aimlessly and I only have 47 seconds to go. I will fight and move on for all of the 29 seconds remaining.
I will never give up. I will not surrender. I will fight writers block. I will win! And…
Yep, that was all I had. I tried it again and it only got worse. So I am giving you my first unedited complete with typos post. It’s better than nothing, right? However after I wrote this post I decided to go ahead and write on that childhood memory. I will share that story later after I have a chance to actually edit it. Today’s post was just a freebie. I thought I would lighten things up a bit and do something fun.
If you would like to read other Five Minute Friday posts you can check them out here.
Thanks for following my blog. What would you like to see from my blog in 2014? I will be writing 500 words everyday. Some of them will be blog posts and some will be towards books.
For a little added fun, (I like to have fun.) is there something you would like me to write about? Tell me any subject you would like to see and I will do my best to write something for you. It may be serious or as silly as this Five Minute Friday. Go ahead leave a comment and give me a try.
I’m just a little excited about this little experiment. 🙂 Happy New Year!
~♥~ Anastacia ~♥~
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