Today has been a pretty good day. I went to bed a bit late last night but I got up with enough time to get Joshua up and ready to go with Papa on their hike. He was real excited. I know they are having a lot of fun right now. I couldn’t help but what they are doing through out the day. Right now I am wondering if they are looking for a good spot to put up the tent. They may have 15 minutes to a half hour left of daylight. Of course I’m sure they would be able to put the tent up by flashlights if they had to.
The girls and I have been having quite a bit of fun today. I don’t usually let the children watch very many movies. We may put on a movie and watch it about once in a week if that much. There is just so many other better things to do than watch movies. So watching a movie for our kids is a special treat. Ruth was wanting to watch “Princess Diaries 2” and Hannah wanted to watch “Monster’s Inc.” So this morning we watched “Monster’s Inc.” and then this afternoon we watched “Princess Diaries 2”. I like the second “Princess Diaries” better than the 1st one. Ruth likes the Mattress Slide and the Parade where all the girls get to be Princesses.
I called Scott at my usual time. I usually call him everyday right around the time he might be getting off. Today, I called him around the same time and I asked him how he was doing and he said “Well, I’m alright.” Which by the tone of his voice I knew something was up. Can you guess?
If you said, “Car problems again.” Then you were right. He was at one job site and noticed red liquid on the ground under our van. He didn’t give it too much thought until he saw it at another location he drove to. So he got under the van and looked and sure enough it was leaking transmission fluid. He talked to someone at an automotive store and they said that it could just be leaky valves. The bad news is that it is probably going to be $450 or so to get the transmission pulled out so that they can get to the hoses that need to be sealed. Ugh!
It is actually a little funny in a sad sort of way. We just spent $180 to get our blinker working so that we could get our van inspected just last week. Now it is leaking transmission fluid and we won’t be able to drive it without fixing that problem. We are actually talking about selling all but our car and getting ourselves one of those Bikes that hold 6 passengers. They look kind of like a wagon or a little car. It’s pretty neat since 4 people can pedal and there is a little seat in the front that can actually hold two small kids. It would be perfect for our needs and we could stay in shape going into town. We would actually save quite a bit of money by not spending so much on gas. We are really leaning that direction. We discussed long trips where we might need a van and we decided with the money we would actually save the rest of the year we could rent a van to go visit family. I don’t at this point simplicity sounds good to me. We would keep our 6 passenger car. It won’t hold us too good, whenever we have one more child but another child probably won’t come for at least another 15 months or so.
I don’t know exactly what we will do. Scott is thinking we could either sell the van or give it on to a Mission work in Mexico. It always sounded nice that we have a 15 passenger van but now it’s just becoming less and less practical the more we have to fix it. Too much money keeps going into the tank and into repairs. I don’t know what else we can do with it at this point.
We may be moving sooner than we were originally thinking. There was a job opening that might be a good opportunity for Scott. It doesn’t pay much but he would get to meet a lot of people. He’ll be checking into that on Monday.
So that should catch everyone up on most of our activities here. The girls,and I will be scrapbooking with Nana tomorrow. They are excited. They have all the snacks figured out that they want to take with us. I’m sure they will have tons of fun. I just need to go through some of their pictures. Jonathan will be getting a lot of attention as well.
Jonathan has just woke up and I need to get the pizza out of the oven. I’ll try to write more later on and let everyone know what we decide on our vehicular troubles. ‘Til next time!