Engagement: The Point of Decision

If this were a step-by-step process (and for some of you it may be) then as you approach engagement you would already be ready. For those that are still single if you listen to everything I share here at this point you will have waited for the right person that God has for you. You would have yourself prepared for this moment when you must decide to either ask or answer the question, “Will you marry me?”

This is a very important moment in your life’s story. Should you marry this person or not? In an ideal situation there shouldn’t be a question in your mind. At some point in your courtship or dating you should have been thinking of this question all along and praying about it.

If at any point in the courtship or dating stage, you have a doubt or a nagging feeling that this person isn’t right for you, immediately call it off. Don’t wait to see if this person will change! You can only change yourself you can’t force the other person to change. So if they aren’t a good person before marriage don’t expect them to be good after. 

The Bible says we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.


Art Credit: Joshua Maness

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

– 2 Corinthians 6:14  

Woah! Woah! Woah! What is this unequally yoked business about?

Let me explain. 

Let’s say you want to plow a field or pull a wagon the old fashioned way. The yoke was the tool used to connect two animals to the plow or wagon. You don’t want to put a cow and a donkey together. They both work in different ways. Two cows would be able to pull together they are both equal in strength. Two donkeys could even work together to pull a wagon.  But you would not want to put a strong animal with a weak animal. 

The Bible says:

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

– Amos 3:3

If you and the person you are thinking about marrying do not agree on important issues, then you need to call it off as soon as you realize they are not the one God has for you. Don’t think you are going to change them once you are married. That’s like that cow thinking it can change the stubborn donkey to pull faster. 

Once you commit yourself in marriage then there is no turning back. If you consider divorce an option, then you were never committed in the first place. Your marriage is doomed before you even say, “I do,” simply because you have no commitment.

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself preferably before you become engaged but especially before the wedding day.

  1. Is this person committed to God? 
  2. Will they go to church with me?
  3. Are they supportive of my interests and talents?
  4. Am I willing to support their interests?
  5. Is this person someone I want to live the rest of my life with?
  6. Do they consider divorce an option? (Do they insist on a prenuptial agreement?) 
  7. Are they committed to you?
  8. Do you feel they are only attracted to you because of your looks? 
  9. Would they still love you if you gained 50 pounds, had thinning hair, and sagging skin?
  10. What about raising children? Do you agree on how you will discipline and train your children? How many children do you both want?

These are all things worth considering. How committed are you? How committed will you be? Before your wedding day, I want you to look your fiance in the eyes and say, “I promise I will never leave you no matter what!” That’s the kind of commitment you need to have before you marry. 

That’s what I told my husband before we married. I chose to be committed to him before he even asked me to marry him.

We had a conversation where we talked about love and commitment. He expressed concern about not wanting to marry someone that would leave him. I told him that if we married I would not leave him no matter what. Even if he tried he’ll never be able to run me off. Of course, I’m not letting him become old and grumpy and he knows that I will never leave him.

I am still serious about my commitment to him. I will never leave him. We don’t even joke about divorce.

Are you that committed to the one you will marry? If you are already married, did you have questions you considered before you decided to marry your spouse? Please share with me in the comments.

Today is Day 12 of 31 Days of Commitment. For those following by email I’m sorry this one is late. We had a meeting with some other churches this morning and I was not able to get this posted on time.  

So I am writing this today but you will not get it until tomorrow which is your today. How is that for confusing? 🙂 Thanks for following along! 

~~ Anastacia ~~


Commitment to Resist Temptations (Guest Post Part 2)

This is a continuation of yesterday’s guest post by my husband, Scott Maness. In yesterday’s post Scott told us about commitment despite his childhood circumstances. We got to see a little bit into his life and how he found God to be the answer to what he was seeking.

How did he resist the temptation to get involved in the bad examples and peer pressure around him? What kept him committed to purity despite the temptations from every turn even when he moved away from home?


Art Credit: Scott Maness

 I kept myself from temptation by following the words of the Psalmist.

“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes. With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.”

– Psalms 119:9-16 KJV


(9) “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.”

The psalmist is asking the question, “How can a young man keep himself pure?” and the answer is by listening to what God has to say. He can’t help us if we are not willing to listen to Him.

(10) “With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.”

We can’t just seek God half way. We can’t just make a show of seeking Him like so many do. We have to actually genuinely look for God with everything in us . Our whole heart has to be involved.

 (11) “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

We need to take God’s word and hide it in our heart and treasure it up for those times when temptation will come. That means we need to memorize it and use it. 

Which is also the secret for a good marriage. If you love your wife and work hard at loving her, treat her well, and have a good relationship at home, temptation will be reduced around you. Your soul will not hunger or long for anything else. 

If you hide God’s word in your heart there is no room for garbage. Whenever someone or something tries to get in your way, you have God’s words right there speaking to your heart. 

 (12) “Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.”

We need God to teach us daily from the things He has written. His instructions will deliver us from manifold troubles.

(13) “With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth.”

We need to be willing to share God’s word with others and also be willing to share the good things that God has done for us.

 (14) “I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.”

We need to be at the point in walking with the Lord, where we truly feel rich in His presence not with the wealth of this world but with the far greater riches of His wisdom and glory.

What more do we need? He is our all sufficient Savior.

(15) “I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.”

When we spend time deeply thinking on the things of God, we have much better answers for problems here in life. We can make better sense of the chaos in our lives.

 (16) “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.”

God’s word needs to become our delight. If God’s word is our delight then the traps of this world will not bring us the pleasure it once did.  If our delight is in Him, we will not need anything else because our hearts will be in Him.

Staying true to His word is what will keep you pure for whoever God has for you. That is really the secret.

Are you strong in God’s word? What verses do you have in your heart that you turn to when you are tempted? Please tell us about it in the comments.

scottScott Maness is the husband of Anastacia Maness (that’s me) and is the father of 6. When he is not busy teaching his children art, music, and foreign languages, he pastors New Hope Missionary Baptist Church near Houston, Tx and works in the Technology Department in the local public school system.   He has a Bachelors of Theology Diploma from Texas Baptist Institute-Seminary. You can follow him on his blog at http://lighthouse117.blogspot.com, add +Scott Maness to your circles on Google+, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.


This is Day 10 of 31 Days Building Commitment. This series expounds upon my latest book, Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment which my husband helped illustrate. You can get your free copy here.


Commitment While a College Student

This is a continuation of yesterday’s post on Commitment While Single. Today I want to tell you about my life around the time I entered college.

singlestacieThere was a time in my earlier years as a new Christian that I didn’t really listen to the preacher. But I’ll never forget the day that I started to actually hear what the preacher was saying.

The pastor’s wife taught one of my classes. The other students and I were talking with her after class. I remember saying something about the preaching taking so long.

She wasn’t angry. She simply smiled and told me said, “You know if you listen to what Bro. Davis is saying the service will go by faster. It won’t seem so long.” 

Listening to the service? You mean instead of daydreaming and counting the people in the choir. We’re supposed to actually listen to the sermon. So that day began my real growth as a Christian. 

In High School, I still went to church every Sunday, I taught in Vacation Bible School, and was very active in the youth group. I still didn’t go out with boys. Instead I stayed busy with Church and family activities.

My Dad was a deacon, youth director, and Sunday School teacher. Then my Senior year of High School my Dad announced his call to preach. That really rocked our simple uncomplicated lives.

Instead of going to just our church services every Sunday, sometimes my Dad was asked to preach for other churches. My Dad gave us children a choice whether we followed them or stayed going to our normal church. It would have been strange going to our church by ourselves so we followed Dad to his different appointments.

Then a small nearby church called my dad to pastor. My dad gave us the choice again. We could continue to go to the Church we grew up in or we could go with him and mom to the new church. We decided to go with our parents. This was another giant step in my growth as a Christian.

I was a teenager, just entering college when I became the teacher for the teens class. I wasn’t very good at it but I definitely grew from the experience.

I also became a teacher at church camp.  I was even asked to stand in front of 500 people to lead out during the testimonial time. Me the socially awkward one. And to top that off, when the director of the camp asked me to lead it, my dad pointed out that I would be the first girl to stand and speak in front of the camp. Before that day they only asked boys.

Even though I was a nervous wreck I felt that this was something God wanted me to do. Before I gave my personal testimony, I read the passage about the woman at the well. She was a woman willing to give her testimony of what God did for her and a whole city was saved.  

“Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. … And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.” – John 4:29-30, 39

“So what does this have to do with commitment in college?” What I just told you has everything to do with my commitment to my future marriage and in college. 

I was committed to serving God. I didn’t need attention from boys to do what God wanted me to do.

My Dad’s pastorate was right around the time I was graduating from High School. I enjoyed hearing my dad preach and teach. I also enjoyed the great Biblical discussions I would have with my dad. Quality time is my main way of showing love and I loved the quality time I would have with my dad discussing the Sunday School lesson or his next sermon.  

As I entered college a list was beginning to form in my mind as to what I wanted in a husband.

  1. He had to be as committed to following God and attending church as I. I saw women in my other church that struggled to keep their children in church because their husbands stayed home. I didn’t want that for my children. 
  2. He had to be at least as knowledgeable in Biblical truths as my father. I needed someone I could look up to. I wanted to be able to respect my husband.
  3. He could not be divorced. I was not going to marry a man that had been divorced before. I understand that some marriages work out after divorce but that was not what I wanted for my marriage.
  4. No smoking. I didn’t smoke and I didn’t want to marry a man that did. The same went for any other drug but I specifically stated I wasn’t marrying a smoker. That decision came when my sister got burned by a cigarette outside our church. It was an accident but I knew the wife didn’t smoke but her husband did and he had lung cancer. I didn’t want that.
  5. Finally I wanted him to be handsome. 🙂 Okay, I know. I know. It’s not all about looks but I wanted him to be at least easy to look at. LOL I couldn’t marry someone that I thought was ugly. But you know what I think God helps us with that one. I guess what I mean by handsome is that he cares about his appearance and doesn’t go around looking like a slob.

I went to college and didn’t really know what degree I should graduate with. I decided to go with elementary education because I thought that might be helpful no matter where I lived. Although now I wish I had gone for a degree in journalism. But that’s another story.

To be honest the main reason I was going to college was  because I was hoping to meet a great guy there. I had lived an enclosed life though and didn’t realize how difficult it would be to find a man that met my high expectations. 

I stayed faithful to seeking though. It was just when I was about to give up that my dad found a seminary student that he highly respected and kept telling me about.

Here is the thing. If I had been any different, if my list had been set at a lower standard, would I have met my husband? Would my dad have found Scott for me? 

Probably not. I had to be faithful and committed to those high standards and to what God wanted even when I was about to give up. Right before I gave up, I let God step in. I put aside my embarrassment and let my dad set up a meeting with the man that would one day be my husband. 

Have you ever made a list of what you were looking for in a husband? What takes top place on your list? If your already married, what would be on your list now? If you could help your children find someone what would you have them look for in a husband? Please share with us in the comments

This is day 8 of 31 Days Building Commitment. Tomorrow I will share another guest post from my husband who will tell you his story of commitment while single. 




My Parents’ Lessons About Commitment


Paul and Janie Clark
Married Dec. 27, 1973

My dad lived quite a bit of his childhood in Massachusetts. As he turned into an adult he realized there was not any women there he wanted to marry. He wanted to find a good Christian woman to be is wife. Then he packed all his and his brother’s belongings in his baby blue Volkswagen Beetle and moved to Texas.

One of his sisters already lived in Texas and went to the same church as my mom’s sister. It was on the steps of that church that my parents met for the first time. 

My Dad took her swimming on their first date. She thought that she looked terrible when her hair was wet and had predetermined that she was going to immediately get it wet in order to just get it over with and run him off. She didn’t want to like someone that wasn’t going to stick around. 

My Dad on the other hand had gone on a very boring date a while earlier with another girl that wouldn’t get in the water for fearing of getting her hair and make up wet. So when my mom ran on ahead of him and immediately jumped into the water he was thrilled. He wanted a wife willing to get her hair wet. 

And that is exactly what he found in my Mom. He found someone willing to go camping with him, hike with him, and even roof our house with him. My mom has always done things with my dad. 


This picture was taken during a time that my dad was laid off of work. I didn’t even know until I was grown.

And my mom found a man that wasn’t all about looks but loved her on good hair days and bad. When my dad told her he preferred the way she looked without make up. My mom quit wearing it. She decided that he was the only one she wanted to impress anyway. She didn’t care what everyone else thought. 

My parents were both preacher’s kids but hadn’t taken church very seriously early in their marriage. Then I was born. They took me to church. The pastor told my Dad, “Bro. Paul, that baby will only take church as seriously as you do.” My parents took me and my brother and sister to church every service. Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, revivals, Vacation Bible School, anytime the doors were open we were there. 

I remember we went to a watch night service on a New Years eve. My Dad had learned to drive on icy roads when he lived in Massachusetts. A Texas icy road wasn’t a problem. I believe we were the only ones that showed up for that service besides the pastor and his wife. My Dad was committed to taking us to church.

My parents used to take us to a Mexican Food Restaurant. After the meal, as we would leave my dad would buy us children a peppermint patty and he and my mom would have peanut brittle. My mom would always take both pieces from him and look at them before handing him one of them. At first he wasn’t sure what that was about then he began to realize she was giving him the bigger piece. He then traded her giving her the bigger piece. My mom loves to give unconditionally. 

I don’t remember ever hearing my parents argue. If they ever disagreed on something they only talked about it quietly behind closed doors. I’m sure they had disagreements but they did not express them in front of us children.

pauljaniebluebg (2)There is one other important thing I remember about my parents. They didn’t let us children undermine them. If one parent told us, “No” that meant “No!” If we tried to asked the other parent, we got in big trouble. My dad would say, “If your mother says, ‘No’ don’t come ask me. We’re on the same team.”

That is exactly what they are a team.

Are you on the same team as your spouse? Do you do things together and back each other up? If you are not married do you know someone that has that kind of relationship with their spouse? Please share with us in the comments.

This is Day 4 in the series 31 Days Building Commitment based upon my book “Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment“. If you haven’t gotten your free copy, you may do so by clicking here.

Tomorrow, I’ll be having my first guest post. My dad will be sharing with us his thoughts on commitment. You don’t want to miss it!



A History of Family Commitment: My Paternal Grandparents

clydejuanitayng (2)It would be a mistake to not give credit to some of the great examples of commitment in my life.

It’s hard to write just one post on both sets of my grandparents. My paternal grandparents, Clyde and Juanita Clark were married in November of 1946.  We called them Mamaw and Papaw.

Papaw was the oldest of 8 siblings and Mamaw was second oldest of 7. Together they had 5 children of their own.

I have some very fond memories of Mamaw and Papaw. They were a very good example of a husband and wife partnership in marriage.

Papaw was a Baptist Preacher. He pastored a few churches in Texas before moving his family of 7 to Ayre, Massachusetts as a Missionary. Their family built the building that the church met in.

Papaw was a very good electrician and carpenter. He loved to make whirly gigs, windmills, and other yard decorations by hand. I remember watching him work in his shop and looking at all the wonderful things he would make.

Mamaw was a great seamstress and artist. She won awards in quilting shows. All her quilts were quilted by hand.

The wonderful thing about their relationship was how they worked together and were interested in each other’s hobbies.

When Mamaw painted, Papaw built frames for her paintings.

One year Papaw built all their granddaughters doll cradles for Christmas. Mamaw crocheted blankets to go in the cradles. That same year for the grandsons he built wooden chairs shaped like animals. Mamaw painted them.


They worked in their garden together.

When they moved into an apartment, Papaw couldn’t bring his tools with him. Mamaw taught him how to crochet and quilt. I remember how proud he was to show us the blanket he made.

If there was a problem anywhere else they seemed to always be in agreement with each other. I don’t remember ever seeing Mamaw and Papaw fight.

Papaw passed away in 2008. They were committed to each other throughout their 63 years of marriage. One day they will be reunited as fellow saints singing praises together in heaven. I wonder if God has a harmonica for my Papaw. If there are crowns up there surely they could make a harmonica. 🙂

How about you? Do you have any ancestors that modeled commitment and partnership in marriage? What do you think it was that made their marriage  so strong back then? As always please share in the comments.

This was Day 2 in my 31 Days Building Commitment series. Tomorrow, I will share my memories of my maternal grandparents’ marriage commitment.



Free Book on Commitment

dqcoversmallThe moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! My book is finally ready to give away.

If you have already been receiving my email updates then you are already a member. Thank you! You should have received a special email from us with a link to your copy of Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment.

If you didn’t get it, don’t worry. I’ve decided to make my book available to everyone. You can click get it here.

In order to become a Rock Solid Family member please enter your email address in any form on this sight.

If you like what you read here at Rock Solid Family, you can join our family by following us through your email in order to not miss a post.

I pray you find strength and encouragement for your family here in our Rock Solid Family’s home. 

In October I will be posting short posts for “31 Days Building Commitment“. I have a special page dedicated for those posts. 

I chose “Building Commitment” as a compliment to my book. Once the 31 days are over, I will resume posting once or twice a week.

Let me know what you think of my book! 

~~ Anastacia ~~




Life is Like a Boat

You may be wondering where I have been. Well, life has been pretty busy lately and my blog has been down for right around a whole week. I have finished my book and will be sharing that with you tomorrow. But today I wanted to describe what my life is like.

My friend Pamela Hodges asked on her blog ipaintiwrite.com what life is like to us. She plans to put all submissions into a book. You can read more about her plans on the post “Tell me what life is like and be in my book“. I have been describing my life as a boat for a long time. So I’m going to share it with you today. And since I haven’t blogged in quite a while (try a whole month!!!) this post is very fitting as a prelude to my book launch tomorrow.

Art Credit: Scott K. Maness (2004)

Art Credit: Scott K. Maness (2004)

My life is like a boat. A leaky boat. It keeps taking on water.

I run over to one part of my boat realizing I neglected an area. I work diligently to fix the holes and bale out water.

Ah! Smooth sailing…

Then suddenly I look behind me… Oh, no! Another leak. In the process of fixing one area of the boat I forgot to see the damage in another area of the ship. I then have to run over there and fix that leak and bale out more water. 

There fixed! Life is good.

Uh oh! Yep, you guessed it. I’m constantly running in circles to fix up this rickety ship.

One day it’s the dishes starting to pile up. I get so upset about the mess that I work very diligently to get that mess cleaned up. It may take a few days but I’m back on target with the housekeeping. 

Then I turn around. Sometimes I don’t even turn around just someone warns me. You have a problem over here. Maybe it’s a problem one of my children are having. I leave everything else behind and focus on that problem. Great that child’s problem is solved. Even if it took a few weeks to resolve the issue, I’m happy with the results. 

But oh, no! I planned to have a book finished and given to you, my faithful followers, by the end of August. So I rush over to that part of life and try to get that resolved. I have so many things planned for my little part of cyber space. 

Anyway, you get the picture. And that is what life is like for me. I’m still on this same old rickety ship called “Life”. I’m beginning to see that it will always be this way.

I used to get very upset at the tipping and tossing by the waves. Once I accepted this ship that God has given me, I can now enjoy the ride.  

How about you? What is life like for you? Do you have trouble keeping everything in balance? Please tell me about it in the comments

Where am I at today on this boat? Well, the dishes are clean. The kids homeschooling got off to a pretty good start.

Where are the holes? Well, you have just witnessed me patching one up right now. I am finally posting this blog post after a month of neglect.
Over all? Life is pretty good since I have great ship-mates like you to share it with. 🙂

And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.   ~ Mark 4:37-39 

~~ Anastacia ~~



A Writer’s Dream

“Everyone get a friend and one long sheet of paper.”

Our fifth grade art class did as we were bid. We took turns. I laid down on my paper and my friend traced my outline on it.  Once done, our teacher gave us an assignment.

“I want each of you to take your paper and draw yourself dressed as what you want to be when you grow up.”

It only took me a second to decide what that was going to be. I colored my pants blue and my shirt red. I drew tennis shoes on my feet and a smile on my face.

I then drew the accessories that would make my future occupation stand out.

In the right hand I drew a pencil. 

I drew a square for my name tag. On it I wrote, “Anastacia Clark, Writter”

Yes, I really did spell it “Writter.”

I loved books and at that time my favorites were Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, and Little Women. I was fascinated by the fact the heroines of all those books were writers. Someone wrote those books that I enjoyed escaping to.

My previous dream of being a librarian turned into a greater dream of being a writer.

On the last day of 6th grade, my homeroom teacher told us we could write or draw anything we wanted. I wrote a story. My teacher liked it so much that she wanted to keep it as an example for her future classes. I was so proud that I agreed. But later wished I had at least kept a copy of it for my mom. 

I wrote many poems and stories throughout my lifetime. In Junior High, I started writing a book in a notepad. I lost it. I was so disappointed that I didn’t start over. My great writing dreams soon turned into just a hobby I enjoyed. I didn’t take it as seriously anymore.

I no longer thought of my writing as a viable career choice. I guess I listened to the external voices that led me to believe that writing wasn’t a good career choice.

If I had just followed my dream while I was making that critical decision, I might have not dropped out of college. I should have pursued journalism and creative writing. At the time, I didn’t even think of that as an option.

I married my wonderful husband, Scott, in November of 1996. He has always been my biggest fan. He encouraged me to write articles for our church. I also continued to write poems.

My husband worried about me when I became discouraged and let my writing fall by the wayside. Scott kept asking me, “You’re not giving up on writing, are you?”

Then last year I joined Tribe Writers and my whole writing attitude changed. That is when I realized that I am a writer and have always been one.

No longer am I dreaming. It is now my reality.

I went to a writers’ conference this year and received my own name tag. This time I spelled all the words correctly. “Anastacia Maness, Writer.”


Are you living your dream? When did you realize it?  Please share with me in the comments.

I’ve written my story here as an entry in the You Are a Writer Contest at PositiveWriter.com.

If you enjoy writing, you should check out Bryan Hutchinson’s blog. He writes encouraging posts geared towards writers. Friday, August 30th is the last day for contest entries. Let me know if you’ve entered. I would love to read your story.



Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

I have been a stay at home mom for 15 years. In that time, I can only think of a few times I have actually been away for more than a few hours from my children. 

A picture of one of the speakers at the Declare Conference. I took this picture of Jeff Goins for my fellow Tribe Writer friends.

A picture of one of the speakers at the Declare Conference. I took this picture of Jeff Goins for my fellow Tribe Writer friends.

Last weekend I stepped out of my comfort zone and I am so glad I did. I went to the Declare Conference in Dallas, Tx. It is a conference for Christian Women bloggers.

I stepped out of my comfort zone and contacted a complete stranger that turned out to be a new friend named Margo. I found her on the conference’s Facebook page. We were both looking to share a room. I found her blog and realized she lived in the Houston area too. We decided to carpool to the conference. 

That may not seem like a big deal to most people but for me it was. I had butterflies in my stomach over whether I’d have anything to say or if we would have a personality conflict. It turned out that Margo was was very friendly and I enjoyed visiting with her as we traveled. 

We arrived at the conference in time to register before dinner. There were great speakers in all the sessions. The hardest thing to do was decide which classes to attend during the breakout sessions. 

I got to hear Mary DeMuth‘s presentation “Blessed is the Blogger”. I have one of her books that I’ll be talking about in a future post.

A “Meet and Greet” time turned into an impromptu question and answer session with a literary agent, Jessica Kirkland. I learned a lot. Probably one of the biggest things I took away from that session was to put my email address on my contact page. For my fellow writers this is a big deal.

Jessica told how she blog hops. There have been times that she has found a story on a blog that would make a good book and if the author of the post doesn’t have their email anywhere on their site she doesn’t contact them. What I learn from this is to make yourself available. Don’t be so afraid of spammers that you hide from opportunities that might be one simple comment or one click away. 

I learned so much from so many speakers during this conference. I won’t list them all here right now. I may bring them up later as I put some of the things they’ve taught me into practice. 

I want to tell you about one other stepping-out-of-my-comfort-zone moment during the conference. I didn’t take very many pictures of the meeting but I did take one picture for my fellow Tribe Writers. I had to be brave and shake Jeff Goins’ hand. 🙂 It’s not everyday that you get to meet a celebrity. 

I started following Jeff Goins’ blog before he launched the Tribe Writers course. It was his free book The Writer’s Manifesto that struck a chord with me.

I saw how he had come from just a normal everyday guy to having influence over the writing world in a very short time. And it was doable. He started where I’m at now. He was once a beginner too. Now he is writing books and being asked to speak at conferences. Will I be asked to speak at a conference one day? That would be stepping out of my comfort zone. 

I don’t think I’d ever be asked to speak at a writing conference but what about a family conference or a women’s conference? I’m not that big a deal yet but one day one of you may be thinking, “Wow, I knew her when…”

Right now, you, my faithful blog followers are seeing me at the beginning. I’m just about to finish the rough draft of my book Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment

Ah, you thought I’d forgotten about that didn’t you? No. I hadn’t forgotten and the launch date is still August 30th. My book is about commitment and will be for everyone in all walks of life. My husband has already had a sneak peak and he said that it’s good. 

I’m a little nervous and excited at the same time. It’s hard stepping out and doing something different but the results are tremendous and I know it will be well worth the journey. 

How about you? What are you doing to step out of your comfort zone? Please tell me about it in the comments

*The Tribe Writer’s link above is an affiliate link. I get a portion of the profits made from anyone that signs up under my link. I am a member and highly recommend this course.


Another Teenager in the House

July 17, 2000, our second child, Ruth Ann, was born. We named her Ruth after one of my favorite women in the Bible. We chose the middle name Ann because we had several family members that had Ann as their middle name and my name starts with “An.” I call her “Ruthie Annie” for short. All of her siblings at some point in their lives have called her “Woofie.”


Ruth was born two days past her due date. We lived near McAllen, Tx at the time. My parents had driven all the way to visit us before she was born. Since we didn’t know how many days it would be, they left and took Joshua with them. Just a couple of days later, Ruth was born. She was my smallest baby at 8 lbs. even.

My water had broken on a Sunday night and 4 hours later on a Monday morning Ruth was born. She was a calmer baby than her big brother. She cried when she was born but as soon as she heard her daddy’s voice talking to her she stopped and just looked around at what was going on.

When she was about 4 years old she told me that she wanted to be a princess when she grew up. She wanted me to check out a real princess book from the library at the time. I named off some real princesses like the Princess Diana, or the Princess Anastasia. She said, “No! A real princess like Cinderella!”

Ruth also loves animals. As a little girl she was shy around people but never seemed to be afraid of animals.


I love this picture of Ruth sitting on a horse wearing a tiara. Her two big dreams.

I love this picture of Ruth sitting on a horse wearing a tiara.

I remember when Ruth was about 3. I would hold her in my arms and ask her, “Will you always be my baby?” She would enthusiastically agree.

Then the day came when I asked her that question. “I’m not a baby! I’m a big girl.”

But even though she is now 13, Ruth is still my little princess.

Okay, she may roll her eyes about the “little” part. It won’t be long and she’ll be as tall as I am.

In our home for several years now we have called Ruth “the second mommy”. If anyone needs holding while I’m busy helping someone else, Ruth is right there willing to cuddle a baby or give a little brother a piggy back ride.

Both Elijah and Elisabeth wanted Ruth to hold them. Who else can protect them from the dogs?

Both Elijah and Elisabeth wanted Ruth to hold them. Who else can protect them from the dogs?

She is the big sister that can give advice on clothing, read books to siblings, comfort a crying child, or help conquer their fears.

Whenever she gets overwhelmed with attention, I try to give her plenty of breaks. It’s a tough job being so popular in a big family.

In fact on her 13th birthday, Ruth and Joshua were away at teen camp. It was definitely different not having them around to help corral children. The rest of us had a renewed appreciation for all that Ruth and Joshua do in the family.

2013-04-07 23.02.06

Ruth is still my beautiful princess. I’m glad that where we are right now, she is able to ride horses and reach for her dreams.

She plans to own at least three or four horses when she grows up, so I can come over and ride with her one day.

She’s such a sweet girl!

Right now, as she is growing up. I want to encourage her to reach for her dreams. Yes, someday if she still wants them she can have horses. Someday she’ll be able to teach her children how to take care of animals. It’s not impossible. 



I show her the current obstacles that might stand in her way of her dreams but then I encourage her to find ways to overcome those obstacles.  

Her birthday presents this year consisted of a new phone, stuffed horse, a cowgirl hat, boots, jeans, t-shirt with a horse and a thermal mug.

Ruth will soon have pictures in a new riding helmet that we are getting for a late present.

Ruth will soon have pictures in a new riding helmet that we are getting her for a late present.








Were you ever encouraged to follow your dreams? Do you encourage your children to fulfill theirs? Please tell me about it in the comments.



And for my Ruth:

“The LORD recompense thy work, 

and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel,

under whose wings thou art come to trust.” ~Ruth 2:12

You are still my beautiful princess, Ruth.  I love you!


~♥~ Mommy ~♥~


