31 Days Building Commitment

October 1-31, 2013 I linked up with other bloggers over at The Nester’s website. Our goal was to write for 31 Days on 1 topic. While most of these posts were written that October a few were written and added later to complete the series.

My theme was “Building Commitment”.  The posts go along with the theme of my free book Don’t Quit: Build a Legacy of Commitment.

Below this list of posts you will find links to other posts I recommend.

Day 1: Dear World, You Need A Lesson On Commitment

Day 2: A History of Family Commitment: My Paternal Grandparents

Day 3: A History of Family Commitment: My Maternal Grandparents

Day 4: My Parents’ Lessons About Commitment

Day 5: “Commitment in Marriage” A Guest Post by My Dad

Day 6: “Commitment Even When Mistakes Are Made”

Day 7: Commitment for the Single

Day 8: Commitment While a College Student

Day 9: Commitment Despite Childhood Circumstances (Guest Post by My Husband, Scott Maness)

Day 10: Commitment to Resist Temptations (Part 2 of Yesterday’s Guest Post by my husband.)

Day 11: Commitment Overview Day 11

Day 12: Engagement: The Point of Decision

Day 13: Engaged Preparing for Marriage

Day 14: Marriage Commitment on Your Wedding Day

Day 15: Commitment After the Honeymoon

Day 16: Three Steps Toward a Happy Marriage

Day 17: Finding Commitment Against the Odds (Guest Post by Jill Luna)

Day 18: True Love and Commitment in Marriage

Day 19: Finding Commitment after Divorce

Day 20: Husbands: How to Stop a Nagging Wife

Day 21: Wives: How to Get Your Husband’s Attention

Day 22: Be Their Parent Not Their Friend

Day 23: Raising Children in a Messed Up World

Day 24: Dear Children: A Letter from a Mom

Day 25: Never Alone: Facing Life Without Your Partner

Day 26: Alone in the Crowd

Day 27: Not Why but How I Love My Husband

Day 28: Husbands, Love Your Wife

Day 29: Choose Wisely

Day 30: Drowning

Day 31: Would You Throw the LifeSaver

Blogs and link-ups I recommend on marriage.

Happy Wives Club







Some of my friends’ 31 Day Blog Posts I recommend:

Renee Baude

Renee Baude


Christa Sterken


The Nester







Pamela Hodges


Racquel Narciso


Janelle Ross







Becky Lusk


Kathleen Caron


Karin Madden


Meredith Duke

AJ Collins

AJ Collins












52 Replies to “31 Days Building Commitment”

  1. Pingback: Free Book on Commitment - Rock Solid Family

  2. Pingback: Dear World, You Need A Lesson On Commitment - Rock Solid Family

  3. Pingback: A History of Family Commitment: My Paternal Grandparents - Rock Solid Family

  4. Pingback: 31 days to an organized home, a flatter belly and a happier child

  5. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course Day 1 | Renee Baude

  6. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (Day 2) | Renee Baude

  7. Pingback: A History of Family Commitment: My Maternal Grandparents - Rock Solid Family

  8. Pingback: My Parents' Lessons About Commitment - Rock Solid Family

  9. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (Day 4) | Renee Baude

  10. Pingback: Commitment in Marriage (Guest Post by My Dad) - Rock Solid Family

  11. Pingback: Commitment Even When Mistakes Are Made. - Rock Solid Family

  12. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 6) | Renee Baude

  13. Pingback: Commitment for the Single - Rock Solid Family

  14. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course! (food labels day 7) | Renee Baude

  15. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (Day 8) | Renee Baude

  16. Pingback: Commitment While a College Student - Rock Solid Family

  17. Pingback: Commitment Despite Childhood Circumstances (Guest Post by My Husband) - Rock Solid Family

  18. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 9) | Renee Baude

  19. Pingback: Commitment to Resist Temptations (Guest Post Part 2) - Rock Solid Family

  20. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 10 a busy day) | Renee Baude

  21. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 11--CSA box) | Renee Baude

  22. Pingback: Commitment Overview Day 11 - Rock Solid Family

  23. Pingback: Engagement: The Point of Decision - Rock Solid Family

  24. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (Day 12-feed lot "art") | Renee Baude

  25. Pingback: Marriage: Commitment on Your Wedding Day - Rock Solid Family

  26. Pingback: Commitment After the Honeymoon is Over - Rock Solid Family

  27. Pingback: Three Steps Toward a Happy Marriage - Rock Solid Family

  28. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 14) | Renee Baude

  29. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 13 White Bean Vegan Soup) | Renee Baude

  30. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 15) Is Sugar Vegan? | Renee Baude

  31. Pingback: Finding Commitment Against the Odds (Guest Post by Jill Luna) - Rock Solid Family

  32. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 16 solutions to breakfast) | Renee Baude

  33. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 18--Food, Inc.) | Renee Baude

  34. Pingback: True Love and Commitment in Marriage - Rock Solid Family

  35. Pingback: Finding Commitment After Divorce - Rock Solid Family

  36. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 17) What is Vegan? | Renee Baude

  37. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (day 20 What is Kale?) | Renee Baude

  38. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (Day 25 FMF) | Renee Baude

  39. Pingback: Husbands: How to Stop a Nagging Wife - Rock Solid Family

  40. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (day 19 Vegan Soup) | Renee Baude

  41. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (day 28 Halloween candy) | Renee Baude

  42. Pingback: Wives: How to Get Your Husband's Attention | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

  43. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 29) | Renee Baude

  44. Pingback: Food School: a 31 Day Course (day 21 Cooking with Kale) | Renee Baude

  45. Pingback: Food School: a 31 day course (day 31 what I learned) | Renee Baude

  46. Pingback: Raising Children In a Messed Up World | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

  47. Pingback: Dear Children: A Letter from a Mom | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

  48. Pingback: Jonathan's 6th Birthday | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

  49. Pingback: Never Alone: Facing Life Without Your Partner | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

  50. Pingback: Alone in the Crowd | Rock Solid FamilyRock Solid Family

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